I saw a man
Walking through a tunnel
It wasn´t dark anymore
But there was still a haze
His spectrum wandered
Like a movie ghost
I got goose bumps
What´s the meaning of death?
Was that guy alive?
Would I be a living person?
I watched those shadows
And felt them squeezing my heart
Hat dragging across the floor
Cold wind
I went down and get it
Made in China
Written on the label
I heard someone running
A deafening shot
I saw myself
Walking through a tunnel
Is this the end?
Is this the beginning?
Is there someone
Looking at me
Like a movie ghost?
What is the meaning of life?
There´s an angel staring at me
With the sweetest smile
I´ve ever seen
Invaded by heavenly peace
Finally at home
I cry with joy
A divine music fills every corner
I recognize my grandmother
I feel so pleased
- Not yet, darling
Bip bip of the cardiac monitor
I´m back
But not the same

Gabriel Garcia é poeta. Atua como professor de Física nas horas vagas.

Galeria: artistas pra seguir na quarentena

Apoie artistas nessa quarentena. Em tempos de cólera, amar é um ato revolucionário.

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